
The 8D Space BIM Platform (8D BIM) Is Available In English

2024-12-18  来自: 武汉四维水晶石动画科技有限公司 浏览次数:110

Recently, the English version 1.0 of the eight-dimensional space BIM platform (8D BIM) independently developed by our company (8D Space) has been officially launched.

The 8-dimension space BIM Platform (8D BIM) combines advanced design concepts, powerful functional modules and a superior user experience. The platform realizes the comprehensive integration and optimization of building information in three-dimensional space and time dimension, and provides strong support for the whole life cycle management of the engineering industry.

The specific features of the 8-Space BIM Platform (8D BIM) include: Image and progress management、 Quality management、 Safety management、Project cost、 special equipment monitoring、BIM virtual construction、Video surveillance。

At the same time, in order to further enhance the convenience and collaboration of project management, we also launched the Project Easy Management APP (8D E.M.) for use with the English version of the 8-dimension space BIM platform (8D BIM).


Contact number:+8615902788822

Email number:512375387@qq.com

Company Website:www.crystal4d.com

Address: 18/F, Block B, Asian Trade Plaza, No. 628, Wuluo Road, Wuchang District, Wuhan


关键词: BIM   BIM进度管理   BIM虚拟建造   BIM动画  


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