近日,由中国交建总承包的中国在海外首条大直径水下盾构隧道,孟加拉国父隧道项目建成通车。该工程是南亚地区的第 一座水下隧道,也是中国企业在海外承建的第 一条大直径水下盾构隧道,在隧道通车仪式上中国大使姚文先生和中交代表李长贵先生、庞先生向尊敬的谢赫·哈西娜总理赠送了我司制作的该隧道模型纪念品。
Our company was commissioned by China Road and Bridge Co., Ltd. to make a gift model of Bangladesh tunnel.
Recently, China's first large-diameter underwater shield tunnel overseas contracted by China Communications Construction Co., LTD., was completed and opened to traffic in Bangladesh. The project is the first underwater tunnel in South Asia and the first large-diameter underwater shield tunnel contracted by Chinese enterprises overseas. At the tunnel opening ceremony, Mr. Yao Wen, Chinese Ambassador and Mr. Li Changgui and Mr. Pang, representatives of China Communications, presented a souvenir of the tunnel model made by our company to the distinguished Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina.
Company QQ:251866187
Contact number:15902788822
Company Website:www.crystal4d.com
Address: 18/F, Block B, Asian Trade Plaza, No. 628, Wuluo Road, Wuchang District, Wuhan