孟加拉卡纳普里河底隧道项目位于孟加拉国吉大港市卡纳普里河入海口处,连接卡纳普里河东西两岸。该项目是孟加拉国的首条河底隧道,也是南亚地区首条水下隧道 。项目的建成对完善亚洲公路网、促进孟加拉国与周边互联互通、推动孟加拉国国际化发展具有重要意义。
Commissioned by China Road and Bridge Engineering Co., LTD., our company produced a demonstration video of Bangladesh tunnel evacuation.
The Kanapuri River Tunnel project is located at the mouth of the Kanapuri River in Chittagong, Bangladesh, connecting the east and west banks of the Kanapuri River. The project is the first river tunnel in Bangladesh and the first underwater tunnel in South Asia. The completion of the project is of great significance to improving the Asian Highway network, promoting the connectivity between Bangladesh and neighboring countries, and promoting the international development of Bangladesh.
联系电话:027-87332550 18627027250
company website: http://www.crystal4d.com
Company Email: 2331892084@qq.com
Tel.: 027-87332550 18627027250
Address: 18/F, Block B, Asian Trade Plaza, No. 628, Wuluo Road, Wuchang District, Wuhan